Ok, sorry for punking out on the whole Liveblogging Wednesday thing yesterday. I had a lot of stuff going on, and people coming over in the evening. Suffice it to say, I dropped the ball. That’s ok, because today we have the new, better, extra special Liveblogging Thursday. Today I’m going to be working on…
Author: Jane Kalmes
Liveblogging Thursday This Week
Cheaty, I know.
Three Conversations About Self-Publishing
With my friend Becky, about six months ago. My summation: “I dunno. I think if I couldn’t get published traditionally, I’d have to take a good, hard look at my work.” With my writing group, Wednesday night. My summation: “I think it’s a path to publication that is opening up for some people, like bloggers…
Liveblogging Wednesday: In With The New
3:50 PM: And we have a very late start to Liveblogging Wednesday this week. Sorry about that. Today I plan to start on a new book. Not the sequel to my current book, but a whole new project, something Mark and I dreamed up during our what-would-you-do-if-you-had-to conversation last week. I’m still mostly interested in…
The Long, Dark Query Process Of The Soul
Queries are out. Or some of them, at least. It is always hard for me to let each one go. While I was going through this process, the agent with my full wrote back. She doesn’t want me. Remember when I got into Boot Camp and I said, “Can I just say, this feels enormously…
I did finish that query letter last night, but for some reason it didn’t publish. So, here it is: I am seeking representation for my jazz age mystery novel, The Big Life (75,000 words). It is a spin on the classic hard-boiled detective story—from the secretary’s point of view. In 1928, Kitty Carmichael arrives in…
Liveblogging Wednesday: This and That, and Also Sex and the City
It’s time for another Liveblogging Wednesday. I’m having a hard time deciding what to liveblog today. I could work on revisions to my query letter. Or I could work on the initial pages for the sequel to my novel. But what I really, really want to write is a pan of Sex and the City…
The iPad for Writers: A Review
My full Query Me This submission is now up at The Public Query Slushpile, along with nine others. I haven’t had a chance to read through all of them yet, but it looks like there’s some good stuff. I wrote the entire submission, query and pages, on my iPad, as a sort of experiment. I…
Lines on a Spreadsheet, Lines in the Sand
I’m sending more queries this week. I still have one full manuscript out from my last round of submissions, but that is no reason not to keep the ball rolling. In the past, I’ve collected a few names of agents I was really excited about, and queried them. Then, when it’s time for me to…
Wednesday Liveblogging: Query Me This
So, today I’m launching a new “feature” on this blog: Wednesday Liveblogging. Every Wednesday, come Hell or high water (but possibly not Boot Camp) I will spend a full eight hours liveblogging. Hopefully it will give me a lot of accountability, without having quite the paralyzing effect that trying to write a full story while…