As revealed in my last post, I am adding ten new scenes to my book during the revision process. They are: 1. Kitty Meets Fiore 2. The Magic Playhouse 3. Nino Says No 4. Aunt G, Kidnapper at Large 5. Big Boss Man 6. Lawyer Up 7. Getting an Earful 8. Gladys Takes a Licking…
Author: Jane Kalmes
Good News, Bad News
Good News: I’ve finished my Comprehensive List of Revisions to Make. Bad News: It’s long. Good News: I am adding ten scenes and eliminating four. The extra six should easily make up the additional five thousand words I want to add to the book’s length. Bad News: I have to write them. Good News: There…
Character of the Day
It’s time for another character from the Deck of Many Things. Virtue: Crafty Flaw: Insipid Dude, what is the deal here? Last time I pulled Skilled/Incompetent? And this time it’s Crafty/Insipid? Not to be deterred, I soldier on. Jamie Lynn Jameson Sixteen-year-old blonde bombshell and pageant queen. Loves kittens, curling irons, and unicorn stickers. Extremely…
Manifesto Monday: Mistakes
Last Saturday I was on the way to the bookstore to score some new reading material for the weekend. I never got there. Right after I pulled onto the highway, the car started shuddering. Bad. Ok, I thought, you just have to make it to the next exit. Then you can call Mark to come…
My Top Villains
I do so love a good villain. Who doesn’t? In some stories, they’re more captivating than the hero. But how do you go about making a villain great? I was recently reading a post on Murderati that suggested I begin by just listing my favorite villains, then looking to see what they had in common….
Maybe I’m a little young to be saying this, but sometimes I just don’t know what this world is coming to. 1) Several teenagers are charged with child pornography for sending nude photos by cell phone. 2) Seattle parents are shocked to learn there is no law prohibiting a teacher from having consensual sex with…
The Deck of Many Things
A while ago I talked about my method for creating characters: (1) Choose two Defining Characteristics, (2) Select a Major Mannerism that exemplifies both of them, and (3) Some other stuff. I don’t have a pressing need for any new characters right now, but one likes to keep one’s hand in. Which is why I’ve…
C Corps and S Corps and LLCs, oh my!
Yesterday I blogged about my decision to form a company and some of the benefits involved. Now it’s time for me to look at what type of company to form. For advice on this I looked to the Small Business Kit for Dummies. It went over the basics, but just the basics. To really find…
To Be or Not To Be… A Legal Entity
The book’s nearly out the door, which means there are visions of agents and editors dancing in my head. And dollar signs. Big dollar signs. So I’ve been doing a lot of research into the question of whether or not to incorporate my writing business. I still haven’t made up my mind yet, because it’s…
The Birth of Manifesto Monday
The other day I was talking with my friend Becky about this blog. “I keep meaning to recommit to it,” I said. “But I keep failing to do so.” “If you’re going to recommit to it, you should find a way to make it really work for you,” she replied. Wise words. So herewith we…