Pillsbury makes a pizza crust. Moreover, at some point, I bought one. My refrigerator drawers come out a lot more easily than they go back in. Yes, a jar of caramel ice cream topping can go bad. And the best way to test this is not with a spoon.
Author: Jane Kalmes
Media Blackout: The Wrap-Up
My self-imposed Media Blackout is officially over. Overall, I’m really pleased with the results. Productivity went way up, and while I don’t think this is all due to the Blackout, it was a factor. Some stats: Important news stories I missed out on: None that I can find. I knew about the new trillion $…
A Loaf of Bread Cost What?
Ever wondered how much your house would have cost in 1880? 1900? 1930? Now you can find out, with this handy dandy Inflation Calculator. I only wish I had found this resource a year ago. I’ve been limping along by assuming the dollar was worth about ten times its current value in 1928; turns out…
News Free Week
My day begins in a fairly predictable way. Get up, feed the cats. Check e-mail. Check Facebook. Then dive into a few of my favorite news sites and spend the next hour there. Check back a few times during the day in case something interesting has happened. All in all, I probably spend at least…
Well In-Formed
When I was five I had my first surgery, to correct a bad case of lazy eye. In the waiting room beforehand, I badgered my mom constantly: “Could I die? People die in surgery, right? Is there any chance — I mean any chance — I could die?” And my poor mom, finally at her…
Nuts and Bolts
Ok, gang, it’s official: I are a corporation. Setting up a corporation for yourself sounds fraught with complication, in the I-don’t-even-want-to-deal-with-it-let’s-just-forget-this-whole-thing kind of way. But once I started looking into it, it was really remarkably easy. Step One: I searched for, and found, a good URL. This is harder than it sounds. Every single word…
Pineapple Stir Fry
I’ve been meaning to post this recipe for a couple of weeks now, ever since my friend Becky asked for it. It’s my go-to stir fry: easy, flexible, and (I think) delish. The critical elements are the pineapple, soy sauce, and cornstarch; everything else can be adjusted to suit your family’s taste. Ingredients: 1 pepper…
The Truth About Working at Home
For many people, especially creative types, working at home is the holy grail. No stress! Flexible hours! Comfy p.j.’s! And it is, indeed, fantastic. But lest the picture seem overly rosy, I offer you a few sobering facts: 1. You will find yourself wearing the same shirt for two or three days in a row….
Jane’s Guide to the Male Psyche
Not too long ago A&E decided to run a Sylvester Stallone marathon over the weekend. Mark and I happened to turn it on during Rocky II, and since neither of us had seen it and both of us had work we were trying to avoid, we went ahead and watched. And as we did, I…
Baby Needs a New Car
So, it’s official. The insurance company totaled my Beetle. The Beetle was a good car, and I’m sorry to see it go. But it wasn’t perfect. It was a bit too small in the back for passengers. Two doors aren’t as convenient as four. And it was seriously behind in cupholder technology. So instead of…