For my book I’ve done research into a lot of subjects, including 1920’s slang. People in the 20’s, like people of every time period, had their own unique way of making themselves understood. “Horesefeathers!” they might say, or “None of your beeswax!” “That’s the cat’s pajamas!”
Fast forward to the 2000’s. (The Aughts? The Zips? How did we let this decade slip by without giving it a decent name?) Most of this language has now been downgraded to cutesy, juvenile slang. Problem is, my characters aren’t supposed to sound cutesy and juvenile when they say it. They’re, like, for serious.
So: opinions? Can the 20’s slang, or stick it only in the mouths of characters who can reasonably be a little bit cute? Any ideas?
Many anglers avoid the use of whole eggs altogether because they although they contain all kinds of essential nutritional components fish are obviously going
to recognise them from previous egg-containing baits plus eggs affect digestion in various ways.
The largest inland body of water found in Maryland is Deep
Creek Lake. Some day you will have to divide your worms and
start a new farm because of their rapid reproduction rate.