Ok, sorry for punking out on the whole Liveblogging Wednesday thing yesterday. I had a lot of stuff going on, and people coming over in the evening. Suffice it to say, I dropped the ball.
That’s ok, because today we have the new, better, extra special Liveblogging Thursday. Today I’m going to be working on the sequel to my book. It takes me about 45 scenes to make a book. It might be 43, or 48, but it’ll be somewhere in that neighborhood. It occurred to me a couple of days ago that if I managed to either write or edit one scene per work day for the rest of the year, I’d have time to write 90 scenes and edit 45. That is, I’d have time to write a book, even accounting for a lot of missteps and discarded plot lines along the way.
If I managed this, it would be a significantly contracted schedule from that of my last book (which took about two years). It would also be a schedule that would enable me, once published, to put two books on the shelf every year (or nearly two books, assuming that I needed to take some time for promotion and touring). It would also be a schedule that would enable me to flirt around with new ideas without feeling like I was abandoning this series. In short, it’s a worthy goal.
Day One of the new regime went off very well, and I so I am presently on Scene #2 of Book #2: Home Sick Home.
3:42 PM: Got off to a late start today. Still think I should be able to finish, though. I have the idea for how the scene will roll out, I just need to get it down.
4:37 PM: I think last week I said that the thing I like best about writing is the scene making. Well, the thing I like least is the decision making. I know that sounds contradictory, and I guess it is. But this is true: I can spend any amount of time making a decision.
5:29 PM: Taking a break for an hour or two. Back before too long.
6:34 PM: Back.
6:54 PM: One of my favorite sites: www.ssa.gov. For all your historical baby naming needs.
7:45 PM: Meet Alice Wayne, AKA Plot Device. (I’ll have to use her again later if I want to make sure that isn’t the case.)
8:03 PM: Ok, I know how I’m going to use her. More or less.
8:07 PM: Getting close to the end of this scene.
8:16 PM: Out of power. Gotta head home. 
10:10 PM: Home. Ate dinner, watched a (sad) Deadliest Catch, and now I’m ready to finish off this scene.
10:53 PM: Done. This scene is exactly the sort of scene that is the hardest for me to edit. There’s nothing particularly wrong with it, except for the fact that it is not fantastic. Oh, well. That’s a task for another day.