3:50 PM: And we have a very late start to Liveblogging Wednesday this week. Sorry about that.
Today I plan to start on a new book. Not the sequel to my current book, but a whole new project, something Mark and I dreamed up during our what-would-you-do-if-you-had-to conversation last week. I’m still mostly interested in a series following from The Big Life, but that is obviously predicated on… well, The Big Life selling. I’m planning to work on the sequel soon, but it will do me no harm to tool around with another idea in the meantime.
What I Have: A strong hook, and half a dozen protean characters.
What I Need: Everything else.
4:45 PM: I have had the way this scene goes in my mind for days. Some people say they like writing better than editing; some people say they like editing better than writing. I know it sounds weird, but I am not huge on either. What I like is… scene making. I really don’t know how else to describe it. Figuring out what will happen, how it will go down, what images and emotions will be central to a scene… that’s what I like. The writing… sometimes, that can be hard.
I’m taking a quick break to read Outlander’s story for Writing Group tonight.
5:27 PM: Back. Man, that was a sad story.
5:33 PM: Ok, that big moment I was writing to is done. It went down pretty well, I think.
6:26 PM: And they find a body. Dun dun dun!
6:30 PM: On page three. Because I’m not messing around.
7:04 PM: Breaking again to read some more stuff for writing group. Back before too long.
8:05 PM: All right, I think I’m done for the day. Not a great day of liveblogging, but I have some good pages and some neat ideas. Gotta make dinner and get ready for group.